Computer, telephone
and mobile phone
systems specialists
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Telephone System

Office Telephone System
To record conversations, to automatically play guide messages for incoming calls, to transfer the incoming calls from your office to your mobile phones, please refer our Telephone System Support service.

Cheap System Cost
The hardware, PBX, starts from £320, total cost is from £700 including installation works.

Flexible Connectivities

Many recent mobile phones can connect through WiFi, they can call out through landlines, and mobile phone tariff is not consumed. Video calls can be done if connection is LAN, ISDN, Internet VPN or leased line. If you install phone software on a PC, you can use it with a microphone and speaker with / without web camera. Normal legacy telephone handsets in offices and homes can be used.

Conversation Recording
All conversations can be recorded. The recorded conversations can be played on your PC or your handset.

When you are not available, incoming calls are redirected to your voicemail. It is possible to transfer a recorded message to your email inbox.

Telephone Meeting
More than two people can have a conversation at the same time.

Call Queues
When all operators are unavailable, a recorded message and music is played. As soon as an operator becomes ready, the operator’s handset rings for the waiting incoming call.

Automated Attendants
A recorded message asks a caller to choose an option. The telephone system puts the caller through to the appropriate operator. Your customers can choose a department to speak to by touching the telephone pad.

Caller's Name
It is possible to look up a company's address when a telephone call is coming in, the caller's name can then be displayed.

Cheap Installation Cost
Cabling is not necessary if there is LAN, it can share the LAN with a PC. This means separate cables for telephones are not necessary. The system can transfer incoming calls to a person who is in the office, in another office or in his/her home using an extension number.

Backup by Internet VoIP Service
VoIP Service Providers are bridging between the Internet and the world wide telephone networks. When the primary connection by plain old telephone service or ISDN stops, the VoIP service can be used as backup to receive calls, and customers can keep their contacts.

No Maintenance Contract
The system is stable. So hardware maintenance is only required when a problem occurs.

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